It is the Season of "Hope" and we are going to drink deeply from that wellspring-the human capcity to HOPE.
We will discuss what HOPE is, why it is so vital to our wellbeing and what HOPE does for us. Please, feel free to bring your stories of HOPE as a resource to share with/inspire the rest of us. Or maybe you will just use it as a tool for yourself in the trancework tonight.
The evenings trance will focus of channeling that HOPE, through metaphor, into a clear vision for the holidays, the New Year or any other area of your life you might wish to turn your HOPE towards. And as all good mindartists know-clarity has power.
Let's celebrate another wonderful year of community,of learning and living and growing and giving. Bring a dish to share if you would like. Tamera will provide serving setup and some light snacks.