I had a professor who confessed he often purposefully “ran out of gas” on a second date, to see how his date responded to a “crisis”. It was more important to him than her appearance.
Because it is nice when we are all getting along, is it not? When human interactions; whether at home, in schools, at the workplace, even in politics...are harmonious, it’s easy.
But truth is, if you interact with other people, you are going to have conflict.
Tempers will flare, buttons get pushed, boundaries are crossed…fight or flight can kick into high gear and most of us just “react”.
AND the real measure of who we are, individually, in our relationships, as a culture and even, as a species, is how we manage discord with others.
>How do YOU handle conflict?
If there is room for improvement in your conflict management skills, perhaps you will want to join us for our FREE Meet Up, “Better Conflict Management: Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. September 12th. https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/264221700/
Now, no one wants to be a doormat in conflict-so our featured Hypnosis audio download this month is “Hypnotic Assertiveness Training” ($14.95). For just a few bucks more you can get a hypnosis audio to “Stay Calm with THAT person”. https://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/communication-skills/assertiveness-training
The recordings for last month’s Meet Up “Loving Exercise with Hypnosis” are now available. Completely FREE-your feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Just send us a note through the website, tampabayhypnotherapy.com or to tampabayhypnotherapy@gmail.com.
If you, or someone you know, is ready to end their conflict with smoking-please know, we are on your side. Every month we offer a 2 session group to make it easy to release tobacco, “Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis” (200.00). https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/ztzqrqyznbcb/
A GREAT GIFT IDEA for the upcoming HOLIDAY IF the person is already saying they want to quit.
Hypnotists and hypnosis enthusiasts…The Hypnosis Education Association of Florida’s Conference is lining up to be interesting! Sure hope you keep room for it in your schedule! November 8-10th. https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/264004861/
To every life impacted September 11th, 2001-and with concern for the deeply polarized rhetoric of our current times…wishing you all peaceful resolutions. Tamera