
  • Announcing-"The Goddess Salon"-2016

    Classical Medicine. 1432 9th St N, Saint Petersburg, FL

    Goddess:  a female god or deity; a woman of extraordinary beauty and charm; a greatly admired or adored woman

    Salon:  A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. 

    Group description:  An experimental, and experiential, group of smart, bold contemporary women coming together monthly to explore and stretch the roles and definitions of what it means to be an “empowered” woman in a post-feminist 21st Century. While our mothers fought to be equal, their power was defined through the lenses, rules and structures of a male dominated culture. It is the mission and intention of this group to expand those definitions; to stretch our minds, hearts and spirits by delving deep into new paradigms of female empowerment in our modern world through a sharing and celebration of our collective wisdom, experience, and knowledge base-as women. Topics will change monthly but you can realistically expect that we will always be headed into the wild and unchartered territories of our feminine identity through completely safe, candid conversation, lots of  laughter, and genuine support. 

    This FREE group has been in the making for over a year and is expected to fill quickly. It is an open group though and if you are interested in attending, you can check for seat availability, register or get on the waiting list at our Meet Up page or email us through our CONTACT button at the top of this page!

    This class is generally held the last Wednesday of each month but check the Meet Up site for exact dates.
  • FREE-March 2016-Hypnosis and Social Anxiety- A Confidence Trance

    Lots of people have some degree of social anxiety, that uncomfortableness we feel when faced with new people and new situations. We will discuss some of the challenges but more importantly, share some ways to overcome social anxiety through traditional and hypnotic approaches. If all goes well, we will have 2 exercises, a pre and post, to demonstrate the power of focused awareness, accessing resource states to create instant rapport with others.

    Send us an email through our "Contact" button on this site or register atMeet Up

    Thursday, March 10th, 7-8:30pm at Acupuncture and Herbal Therapies. 222 2nd Street North St. Petersburg, Fl

  • FREE: Hypnosis and Relationship-The Love Bug; Enhancing the Trance of Intimacy

    We always like to honor that February is the month of hearts, of relationship and love. 

    If Trance is defined as a very focused state of selective attention, then the experience of love, and even love making, is clearly a natural state of Trance. There are very powerful unconscious forces at work when it comes to attachment and love, and they can enhance or diminish our experience depending on what kind of “trance” we are in.

    We will  explore the cycle of need, trust, attachment and intimacy; discuss the nature of, and barriers to, true intimacy, and share a trance experience to ENHANCE YOUR OPENNESS to GIVING and RECEIVING LOVE.


    A Free copy of the trance will be made available to participants only.

    Thursday, February 11th, 7:00-8:30pm

    Acupuncture and Herbal Therapies

    222 2nd Street North

    St. Petersburg, Fl

    Seats are limited to 20 participants

    Register at Meet Upor email us directly at

  • Gratitude - November 2014

    How to find gratitude and appreciation every day.

    “My boyfriend has been especially nice lately, this often happens after his parents visit.” This client went on to share that her boyfriend’s mother is a non-stop regurgitation of negativity, complaints, gossip and criticism-that everyone in the family-including her husband of 40 years- has had to learn to deal with, each in their own ways.

  • Heading Into The Future-TBHT Newsletter-November 2020

    If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that my crystal ball is broken and the Magic 8 ball is not reliable at all.

    By the time you are reading this, the US Presidential Election will have happened and we will all be well into planning our COVID, and election, impacted holidays.

    Indeed, 2020 is a year of unprecedented experiences.

    Pairing the words “Holidays” and “Conflict” is a good example of things than are unprecedented, usually we are talking “Gratitude” and “Peace” this time of year. Unfortunately, tensions are high and interpersonal conflicts seem exacerbated this year.

    And so, it seemed useful, as we head into the post election experience, winter and the holidays that we might offer some tips and trance work for handling conflict better. Join us for our FREE Monthly Meetup, "Handling Holiday Conflict Better-Hypnosis and Life Mastery”

    Our affiliate offers over 33 hypnosis downloads to help IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS the EASY WAY; “Asserting Yourself”, “Overcoming Shyness”, “Speak Clearly", “Starting Conversations”, “Dealing with Difficult People” and so much more. Most are less than 15.00 and they are still 50% OFF.

    With 1000’s of titles, hypnosis audio downloads MAKE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS. You have nothing to lose and much to gain!!top100

    “Gratitude”is one powerful resource for mitigating holiday stress and conflict. If you would like our FREE HYPNOSIS RECORDING “A Trance to Enhance Gratitude”, just send us a note through the website We love to “infect” you with a wonderful attitude of gratitude!

    We are also offering $50.00 OFF our “Accelerated Stress Management Session” via videoconferencing until the end of the year. A powerful single session that includes a customized hypnosis recording. Now there is a unique gift that keeps on giving, for yourself, or someone you really care about.

    Wishing you all peace and good health…

  • Staying Cool in Conflict-TBHT September 2019 Newsletter

    I had a professor who confessed he often purposefully “ran out of gas” on a second date, to see how his date responded to a “crisis”. It was more important to him than her appearance.

    Because it is nice when we are all getting along, is it not? When human interactions; whether at home, in schools, at the workplace, even in politics...are harmonious, it’s easy.

    But truth is, if you interact with other people, you are going to have conflict.

    Tempers will flare, buttons get pushed, boundaries are crossed…fight or flight can kick into high gear and most of us just “react”.

    AND the real measure of who we are, individually, in our relationships, as a culture and even, as a species, is how we manage discord with others.

    >How do YOU handle conflict?

    If there is room for improvement in your conflict management skills, perhaps you will want to join us for our FREE Meet Up,“Better Conflict Management: Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. September 12th.

    Now, no one wants to be a doormat in conflict-so our featured Hypnosis audio download this month is “Hypnotic Assertiveness Training” ($14.95). For just a few bucks more you can get a hypnosis audio to “Stay Calm with THAT person”.

    The recordings for last month’s Meet Up “Loving Exercise with Hypnosis” are now available. Completely FREE-your feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Just send us a note through the website, or to

    If you, or someone you know, is ready to end their conflict with smoking-please know, we are on your side. Every month we offer a 2 session group to make it easy to release tobacco, “Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis” ($200.00).

    A GREAT GIFT IDEA for the upcoming HOLIDAY IF the person is already saying they want to quit.

    Hypnotists and hypnosis enthusiasts…The Hypnosis Education Association of Florida’s Conference is lining up to be interesting! Sure hope you keep room for it in your schedule! November 8-10th.

    To every life impacted September 11th, 2001-and with concern for the deeply polarized rhetoric of our current times…wishing you all peaceful resolutions. Tamera

  • Staying Cool When It’s Hot-TBHT September 2019 Newsletter

    I had a professor who confessed he often purposefully “ran out of gas” on a second date, to see how his date responded to a “crisis”. It was more important to him than her appearance.

    Because it is nice when we are all getting along, is it not? When human interactions; whether at home, in schools, at the workplace, even in politics...are harmonious, it’s easy.

    But truth is, if you interact with other people, you are going to have conflict.

    Tempers will flare, buttons get pushed, boundaries are crossed…fight or flight can kick into high gear and most of us just “react”.

    AND the real measure of who we are, individually, in our relationships, as a culture and even, as a species, is how we manage discord with others.

    >How do YOU handle conflict?

    If there is room for improvement in your conflict management skills, perhaps you will want to join us for our FREE Meet Up, “Better Conflict Management: Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. September 12th.

    Now, no one wants to be a doormat in conflict-so our featured Hypnosis audio download this month is “Hypnotic Assertiveness Training” ($14.95). For just a few bucks more you can get a hypnosis audio to “Stay Calm with THAT person”.

    The recordings for last month’s Meet Up “Loving Exercise with Hypnosis” are now available. Completely FREE-your feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. Just send us a note through the website, or to

    If you, or someone you know, is ready to end their conflict with smoking-please know, we are on your side. Every month we offer a 2 session group to make it easy to release tobacco, “Smoking Cessation with Hypnosis” (200.00).

    A GREAT GIFT IDEA for the upcoming HOLIDAY IF the person is already saying they want to quit.

    Hypnotists and hypnosis enthusiasts…The Hypnosis Education Association of Florida’s Conference is lining up to be interesting! Sure hope you keep room for it in your schedule! November 8-10th.

    To every life impacted September 11th, 2001-and with concern for the deeply polarized rhetoric of our current times…wishing you all peaceful resolutions. Tamera

  • The Attitude of Gratitude

    The Gratitude Attitude is an audio hypnosis session which focuses specifically on using deep relaxation and hypnotic recall to help you recover something which you once knew how to do perfectly well - be grateful for everything. As you listen to The Gratitude Attitude, you will be amazed at how powerfully and vividly long-forgotten memories of delightful experiences come back to you.

    They will remind you that, whatever the circumstances of your life, you do indeed have much to be grateful for. You will learn how to build up this attitude of gratitude into a powerful resource for your life. Download The Gratitude Attitude and discover how to be glad all over again.

  • The Goddess Salon-May 2016

    May 25th, 7-8:30pm, Classical Medicine, 1432 Dr.M.L.King Steet North, St. Petersburg.

    Alright Goddesses! During last month's discussion on "Surrender" we all agreed that surrendering to our own TRUTHS, who are we and what do we REALLY want, was an essential part of claiming our "Goddess" potential.

    As a follow up, our next presentation of the Goddess Salon will be a 2 part discussion beginning in May where we will be exploring: " As Goddesses, what do we want from our partners?".

    We'll discuss our wants and needs from men, or others in our lives, and whether our "wants" are realistic.  We'll discuss some basic differences between how men and women's brains are wired and the challenges this presents to the Goddess.

    In June, we will follow this discussion up with a emphasis on ways to get what we want from our partners.  You should walk away with some effective tools for making requests for what you want (tools that are useful in ALL of your relationships!).

    There is a 5.00 donation requested to help offset the costs of room and snacks.

    You can send us a note through the contact link above or regit=ster through our Meet Up site.
  • The Goddess Salon-October 2016

    Goddess: a female god or deity; a woman of extraordinary beauty and charm; a greatly admired or adored woman

    Salon: A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.

    Group description: An experimental, and experiential, group of smart, bold contemporary women coming together monthly to explore and stretch the roles and definitions of what it means to be an “empowered” woman in a post-feminist 21st Century. While our mothers fought to be equal, their power was defined through the lenses, rules and structures of a male dominated culture. It is the mission and intention of this group to expand those definitions; to stretch our minds, hearts and spirits by delving deep into new paradigms of female empowerment in our modern world through a sharing and celebration of our collective wisdom, experience, and knowledge base-as women. Topics will change monthly but you can realistically expect that we will always be headed into the wild and unchartered territories of our feminine identity through completely safe, candid conversation, lots of laughter, and genuine support.

    This group has been in the making for over a year and is expected to fill quickly. The group is free at this time, although we do suggest a $5.00 donation to help us cover the cost of hosting. It is an open group though and if you are interested in attending, you can check for seat availability and register by visiting us at our Meet Up site. ">Facebook

    7-8:30pm at Classical Medicine in St. Petersburg, Florida

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Tampa Bay HypnoTherapy
2961 1st Avenue North, Suite B
St. Petersburg, Florida 33713


(727) 543-7556


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Why Tampa Bay Hypnotherapy

Tamera is…

A true believer in the resiliency and self organizing capacity of the human spirit, Tamera continually studies philosophy, culture, Read More…

Tamera's Vision

Tam is an accomplished communicator with children, adolescents, teens, adults and seniors. She works with individuals, couples, families, Read More…

Highly qualified medical hypnotherapist

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Hypnosis Related Training and Education

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