Hypnotherapy Blog


A new day.

Gentle shifting light, wrapped in so many hues of golds and reds and blues.. Never exactly the same as any yesterday. Always a bit of a surprise...alive and changing from second to second.

Songbirds break the predawn silence, like choir angels, and begin their musical homage to the birth of TODAY...no one tells them to. It’s a innate, unconscious feeling...because, at its purest essence;

The dawn is a feeling...and nature understands. A new day. A “candle in the dark” feeling.

An unfolding of POSSIBILITIES, of RENEWAL,

HOPE, is inherent in the sun’s rising everyday, if you are paying attention.

And you do get what you focus on.

Of course, HOW YOU FEEL about the dawn, is more about you, than the dawn itself. If you find the dawn leaves you a bit “bah humbug”, maybe we can help.

Upcoming Events; Ready or not, the “Season of Hope” is upon us and so, We will be sharing a “Trance to Enhance” your sense of hope, optimism and stress management for the holidays at our next Free Meetup “Hope-nosis; Hypnosis and Life Mastery”. https://www.meetup.com/TampaBayHypnotherapy-Community-Group/events/264005214/

Stayed tuned for our annual “intention setting” in January, and a very special guest presentation in February about speaking loving to our embodied self.

Hope and change are not easily gift wrapped but if they could be, it would be in the form of gift certificates for hypnosis with Tamera! Our holiday season offerings include gift certificates for 3 session packages...100.00 OFF, 3 individual sessions for 300.00! A REALLY UNIQUE GIFT idea for yourself to start the year off right, or for someone you love. Email us at TampaBayHypnoTherapy@gmail.com to purchase.

Our featured hypnosis recording this month is “Overcome a Stressful Christmas”. Transform a stressful Christmas into a relaxed one. Survive the festive season using relaxing hypnosis. https://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/stress-management/stressful-christmas

FREE “Joyful Season of Eating, Weight Management and Hypnosis” the class and trance from our last meet up is now available...just send us a note for the link to TampaBayHypnoTherapy@gmail.com

Thank you for being part of our community this year. You are the inspiration. YOU ARE HOPE.

Wishing all of you well for the 2019 Winter Season, whatever your faith, metaphors or traditions and a beautiful beginning to 2020.

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Tampa Bay HypnoTherapy
2961 1st Avenue North, Suite B
St. Petersburg, Florida 33713


(727) 543-7556


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Why Tampa Bay Hypnotherapy

Tamera is…

A true believer in the resiliency and self organizing capacity of the human spirit, Tamera continually studies philosophy, culture, Read More…

Tamera's Vision

Tam is an accomplished communicator with children, adolescents, teens, adults and seniors. She works with individuals, couples, families, Read More…

Highly qualified medical hypnotherapist

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Hypnosis Related Training and Education

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Organizations and Affiliations

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