Before I owned a Toyota Corolla I had no idea how many Corollas were out there. Trust me-that vehicle has been around a long time, was intended to be affordable, and they are extremely reliable, staying on the road for a long time…Unless you have owned a Corolla, you may not be aware that there is one at almost every red light.
If you have no interest or experience with a Corolla, you may have never noticed this, just like you probably do not notice any of the 1000s of other vehicles that you come across daily.
Not a problem if you are content with “the head” you are currently driving around in, but sometimes, it can be limiting.
After all, there are all those other choices, all those other “vehicles” out there.
This concept of “self limiting” beliefs apply to many aspects of life but one of the most common areas in shows up is in our relationship with MONEY. Self-limiting beliefs about money are so common, that expanding our consciousness around money is a multibillion dollar industry in the West.
“A Prosperity Mindset-Hypnosis and Life Mastery” is our FREE, ON-LINE Meet Up this month, we will address common self limiting beliefs around money and offer a trance to expand your awareness and opportunity for prosperity.
Our affiliate offers hundreds of hypnotic audio downloads for changing other self-limiting beliefs, and amazingly low prices, like “Re-inventing Yourself”, and why not? Do not let your own self-limiting beliefs get in the way, you CAN start today!!top100
If a recording does not do the trick, that is only information. It lets us know that a part of you has a reason for continuing to do what it is doing-even when consciously, you want change. That is a great time to call for a FREE phone consultation. I like to say, hypnosis recordings are great for making sure there is gas, oil and water in the vehicle. Individualized hypnotherapy sessions are like “popping the hood” and “rebuilding the engine”. To set up a consultation, send me a note through the website
A trance a week can help keep your motor clean, especially in these times, as participants in our Weekly COVID Support Group will attest. We are heading into our one year Anniversary, still hard to believe. The group is open to the public, and you really are welcome to drop in. Join our Meetup group for FREE through my homepage
I know we are all ready for Spring and I have hope that the "winter" that has been COVID is BEGINNING to thaw. Wishing us all peace and patience until the blooms are open…Tamera